Saturday, September 9, 2017

Vine to Wine 1/2 Marathon

September 9th, 2017

Oh man...I was on point for training for my half marathon until we moved at the beginning of August, I was overcome with unpacking, lack of sleep, not being as close to the gym and not having a very good route around my house to run, so I suffered a lot.  It was rare that I would be able to get at least 6 miles in on a treadmill at least once a week. Not only that, but running around my new place was all hills, so just the 2 mile route that I have would wear me out. Additionally, I went for a 2 mile run a few days before the half and a small blister appeared on my foot, I tried to repair it the best I could.  One more boyfriend was suppose to run the half with me, which would have been great support and pacing, but he messed up his knee and is only just getting back into he dropped down to the 5k.  I was glad he would still be there at the start and finish, but wouldn't be there throughout the race.
The night before we got everything ready, I was nervous and knew I was unprepared, but excited to see a few friends there that I haven't seen in months. I was able to get some sleep, but that alarm still came up early.
That morning I had mentioned about the blister and my boyfriend was like..we are getting moleskin we stopped by walmart on the way and I put some on my foot on the way there.  We managed to arrive with about 20 minutes before the start and I was only getting more and more nervous.  I saw a few friends of mine and was excited.  Corey was there to wish me on my way, and I was nothing but scared.  There was no backing out now though, and figured, worst case I walk a lot. My goal was under 2, and off I went.
The race started on a field, and hit the road around a tenth of a mile in. I started out fine, knowing I needed to get into a pace I ran in a group of people. At mile 1 I was already not wanting to be there, I wasn't feeling in a groove, and wanted to just quit.  At mile three I was thinking..if I had switched to the 5k I would be done now, but just have to keep going.  
During these first 5-6 miles I was having pacing issues and running too fast, so had to stop and walk a few times.  I could also feel the blisters beginning again. The sun was also starting to shine hard, and get pretty hot.  I finished 6 miles in under an hour, and was still happy with my time even though I wasn't performing great.  Not to mention, it was hillier than I thought it was going to be in the first half.
I was running around a guy in yellow who asked if I needed help pacing, I told him I couldn't get breathing down and was having a bad running day, but thanked him.  He ran next to me (and vice versa) for a little bit, and it actually helped me calm down a bit, but I had to get some water at the next stop, so I walked as I hydrated and he ran ahead.  
At mile 8 there was a huge high school band, that was awesome and a downhill which gave me  a little boost, and I finally could see the lake.  We ran across a bridge that crossed the lake and the view was beautiful and a small recharge that I needed. It didn't help the heat though, and my blisters were getting bad.  
I did some walking/running and was keeping up a fairly good pace still, and was thinking I could still make it under 2 hours if I could get into a pace to just keep moving. At mile 10 I was getting more excited....only a 5k left, I could do this.  I was in an ok pace and moving along when I caught back up to the guy in yellow who was walking ( i later found out his name was Todd), I said "come on, only 3 more miles, we got this" and he started to run with me at my slow pace.  It was nice to have a buddy running, but he wanted to talk and I was, which I think messed up my running. Mile 11 had a gigantic uphill and I had to walk it.  I texted Corey (knowing he would be done with his 5k, and that some of my other friends would also be done already), he sent one back saying to keep going and that I was doing great!  It made me smile and gave me a little push. I grabbed a water at the next stop (it was getting hot) and Todd also grabbed a water and we walked until the next mile marker.  I looked at my watch, and was over 2 hours, but knew we were still at an alright pace, and was still going to be pretty happy. 
We started running again and about 3/4 way through that mile we walked again for a few minutes.  At mile 12 he was like "ok, let's do this, last mile, let's go a little faster and finish this." I was like, no, I can't but let's run. We started going and I knew there would be one more water stop (we finished on part of the 5k route, so I knew it was coming). Just over a cool wooden bridge I told Todd to keep going, I needed water. I stopped and he continued.  Less than a mile away, and I tried so hard to continue running, but my legs were hurting, my hips were hurting, I was hot and the blisters were getting unbearable. 
I saw the final mile marker, and the turn back onto the field.  I picked up running again, and ran as hard as I could to the finish and heard my name as I crossed the finish line. I started crying and gave Todd a high five as we grabbed water, and thanked him for helping me throughout the race!
I looked all around and didn't see Corey or anyone I knew, so I started limping/crying my way in the open field as I chugged that water!
I saw Corey waving and running from the deck at the winery and he ran over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and said congratulations.  I said I was hurting a lot. He said he was sitting with Brooke, Brad and had a beer waiting for me!  We grabbed some of the snacks and went up to the deck. 
Brooke had rocked the half with a time of 1 hr 38 minutes, getting third female!  She rocks.  We had a beer, some wine and a mimosa and relaxed for a few minutes.  Corey told me about his race as I took my shoes off and socks blisters were awful and hurt so much. 
After we finished our drinks we walked over to the results tent and got our print outs.  Corey placed in his age group (2nd) for the 5k and although I didn't place, I finished in 2 hours and 9 minutes...not the pace I wanted, but I finished, and I finished around 2 hours.  
I have another half next we'll see how that one goes!

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 #runningwithoutlimits

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Corps of Discovery 5 Mile Trail Race

August 27th
I needed a race for the month of August, and there was a 5k in Forest Park that I was going to do, but at work one day I heard a co-worker talking about a race that was in Weldon Springs and was a trail race. I had not done an official trail race before so I looked it up.  They offered a half-marathon and a 5 mile option. I looked through the pictures from last year and it looked fun.  I decided to run the 5 mile trail race instead of Forest Park since it was much closer to where I live, and a new course (I had run the Forest Park course before, and didn't want to deal with the parking and traffic there).
I was excited, yet nervous going into this. I had looked at the course and the elevation changes, there were some very steep up and downs that worried me. Last time I "ran" on a trail my ankles hurt a few days after because of the uneven ground, additionally, I don't have trail running shoes.  I figured it couldn't be that bad though, since it's on a hiking trail.  The race is capped at 200 people so I knew it wouldn't be a big race, especially through trails. Also, looking at the times from the previous year I thought that it would be easy to place.  Little did I know that would not be true...
The morning of I got up early and did my normal routine when Corey is out of town...let out the dogs, fed them and got ready.  Well I did not manage my time correctly...I was ready so early! I figured oh well, let's get out there so that we don't run into any issues.  
I picked up my packet there, along with my swag (a sticker and an awesome trucker hat - can't wait to wear that one!).  On the way in I ran into Mike (who was part of the River to River Relay team this year). He was running the half, we said our good lucks and went on our way. After picking up my packet I went back to my car for a bit.  The race started at 8, but they would only let so many through every 2 minutes, and the 5 milers would be last to go, so I knew I had some time. I ate my Gatorade blocks and headed to the shuttle around 7:45. 
I got off the shuttle and my co-worker said my name. He introduced me to his wife, and we chatted for a few minutes.  They were both headed for the half marathon so I said goodluck and they went to line up.  Us 5 milers stood to the side and watched the half marathoners take off.
When it was our turn I stood in the 8:30 min pace (going off road pace). Instead of the 2 minutes between groups they went around 1 minute each, so we took off around 8:11. 
Things started out great, it was a narrowish path, about 2 wide, and some branches here and there. I kept up with 2 women, we passed 2 guys and kept on our way. Then it started changing, the course started going up and down, narrowed to one person wide and more branches and rocks jumping out.  I continued to keep up, turning my ankle at least twice jumping down some of the hills. We even started passing some of the slower half-marathoners (they would have to stop for a second and let us pass).  Eventually we hit an was all rock and very steep, I could not run it with the shoes I had on, I did what I could and eventually switched to walking up it as fast as I could. I let the guy right behind me pass, yet continued to keep up with him until the next hill.  I had to walk again, the rocks were just to unstable for my road running shoes and inexperience of running trails. 
I was having fun though, it was fun jumping around and weaving in and out of trees, etc. I was still feeling good, I slowed down a bit and let the women and guy I was following go (around mile 3.5 - at another uphill). I knew I was over halfway so continued to run on the downhills, flats and slow inclines that were not rocky. I passed some workers who took pictures and saw a 5 mile marker, so I knew I was close...I started hearing people at the finish and of course...ended on an uphill (luckily not a rocky one). A race director was standing on the hill cheering us up telling us it was just around the corner! I charged up the hill as fast as I could and finished around 52 minutes for 5.5 miles...definitely not my best time by far, but with the course and my inexperience I was stoked! I had finished, and had so much fun. 
I grabbed my beer and pretzels and watched others finishing, and half marathoners running through until the award ceremony for the 5 milers. Once they started I didn't think I had a good enough time to place, and when they got to my division the second place girl was one of the ones I was following, so I didn't think I had come in 3rd...but YEP...I did!  I finished third in my division and was so excited! The girl handing out the awards had recognized my name from Facebook when I shared their post saying I was nervous and excited. I won a 1 year membership to the St. Louis Track Club, and an ice pack (not to mention my awesome medal that all finishers got). I am hooked on trail running now! I have to start strengthening my ankles, and get some trail running shoes, and I'm in!  
Day later update: my ankles hurt quite a bit, and so do my hips...different muscles and unsteady ground, but totally worth it!

Official course pictures to come from the St. Louis Track Club once they upload them :)

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 #runningwithoutlimits #sltcrunning

Sunday, July 30, 2017

iTap Craft Beer Week 5k

July 30th, 2017
I was missing a race for July and found this one online thinking it would be fun..I mean who doesn't love running and getting free beer at the end!?! Originally Corey was going to run it with me, but this past week while away at training he busted up his knee and isn't doing so well with that, so I signed up by myself. 
My only worry was that this race was in the evening...that means the day itself had to be completely different, aka eating and making sure my legs/feet wouldn't be tired for the race. That is the main reason I only signed up for the 5k and not the 10k. I have a night half-marathon in a few months and considered this a type of trial.
We woke up late and after walking the dogs and delaying getting out of bed finally ate a brunch around 12:30 with eggs, bacon and toast. My plan was to eat again around 3 or 4, and something small so that I wasn't full or sick feeling for the race. We went to the grocery store and then I started doing some packing around the house. I wasn't doing anything strenuous or tiring which was good. Around 3:30 I had a turkey sandwich and some watermelon and we headed out to the race around 4:30 to make sure we had plenty of time.
Luckily I have a very supportive guy who came with me to cheer me on and have a few drinks while I ran. When it came to race time I felt fine stomach wise and leg/feet wise, but I was still nervous and had crazy butterflies...more than usual for a race.  The weather was warm, but there was a little breeze and the course was through a park so there was quite a bit of tree cover. 
Right as their countdown hit 0 and it was time to start I was ready to go, but then the guy announced that some late people had showed and it would be another 4 min or so.  That was awful! 4 minutes later we were starting again...I started off fine...a little too fast as usual, but slowed down and kept my pace with someone.  About a mile in I just couldn't catch my breath, and I wasn't any faster than I usually would, I was getting pretty warm as well with the sun coming through the trees. Around 1.5 miles I took a quick walk break to catch my breath knowing I was half way there.  I started up again and kept up with a group of people, and kept my 7:45-8 min pace. Around 2.2 miles I had to take another walk break...I just could not get my endurance of lungs to run easy, but I had a mile left (despite a few gentle uphills).  I had this, just had to keep going and I had a beer waiting for me at the end!
Right before the 3rd mile marker I saw Corey on the side of the road cheering me on and taking pictures.  It was just what and where I needed, I pushed it, speeding up a little bit hearing the crowd at the end and seeing the finish line. I sprinted through the finish at 24:43 with just under an 8 min mile pace.  
It took awhile to catch my breath, and I really was heating up once the race stopped...luckily they had ice cold towels there with some water and bananas, and of course beer :)
Overall, I was happy with my time (but not with how I ran), and know what to expect for my future night race. 
When I checked my race results I was surprised to see I came in 14th out of 34 in my division...with an 8 min mile I still finished in 14th!  That is some fast running girls out there....power to you all that ran!
They had food trucks and beer there for after, but I needed a break to let my stomach settle and cool off.  Then we had a few drinks, and ate some food before heading home.
This was iTap's 2nd annual beer week race, and definitely one I'll do again, I enjoyed the course and the after party, and the park setting on a beautiful evening!
Here are some pictures that Corey took and one I took after the race.

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 #runningwithoutlimits

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Go! All American 5k

June 18th, 2017
Today is Father's Day and this will be the 3rd time my dad and I will be running in the All American 5k race put on by Go! St. Louis on father's day. It's becoming a slight tradition. I buy his race entry, we complete the run and then we go to brunch after to celebrate. 
This year was no different...Mom and Dad came up the day before the race and we got up bright and early to head to the start line. It was a great morning...cloudy and cooler than it had been recently so I was excited for the change from the last few weeks. 
This race is one of my favorites, it is almost all flat or downhill (just 2 uphills...which aren't bad at all). So it's advertised as the "fastest 5k in St. Louis" for obvious reasons...a lot of people PR on this race (as my dad and I have in the past). Plus it's a point to point race - we start in Kirkwood and end in Webster Groves. 
Anyway, back to the race day.  We picked up our packets that morning at the start line and got into position to start. I was a little weary and worried since my last few runs at home had not been very fast or successful (lots of having to walk). But either way, I knew it was only 3.1 miles, and it's for fun at this point - we all get a medal and a tank top (new this year!). It started misting, which is fine by me - I enjoy running in the rain, it keeps me a little bit cooler. The gun went off and so were we!  I saw my mom near the start taking pictures - knowing she would be heading off to the finish line right away to see us at the end (and since it's a quick race she would have to book it). 
Well I started off great, I was feeling good and running quick (knowing I was going faster than my pace), but again, I was feeling good, so I kept going. 
At mile 1 I was at 7 min and 30 min (much faster than I had been running by about 2 minutes lately). I found someone that was going slightly slower that I could pace myself with, and followed him for awhile, until we hit an uphill and I was still pumping along.  I passed him going up and kept up my pace for a little bit longer. I have to mention that the rain had also picked up at this point, it was downpouring, but still more than a mist at this point. My sweat started mixing with the rain and I couldn't tell if I was more sweaty or wet, haha...but it was nice to have the cool rain coming down on me. 
At the next hill I was spent...I was going too fast and needed to catch my breath, so I stopped and walked for a few minutes (not too long, but just enough). I was around mile 2.3 and knew I had less than a mile so I started back up having passed the last hill. I again paced myself with someone still running around 8 min miles (maybe slightly faster) and headed into Webster Groves with the end in sight.  After turning a corner I could see the finish, it was still a little bit away so I didn't want to sprint yet, I slowly picked up my pace and when I was within distance sprinted with everything I had left!
Crossing the finish line felt great (as always) and I got my medal. I was very out of breath and wet from the rain and sweat. I grabbed the post race goodies (including ice cream - yay!) and found my dad. He had ran an amazing race finishing in 22:11 (crazy fast). 
We finally saw my mom (who had just arrived - after we had finished....oops) and headed back into the open post race area to get in line for the results. We ate our ice cream and stood in the rain.
The line moved fairly quickly and we punched in our bib number...I had finished in 24:42 with a 7:57/min pace.  I can't complain - it was much better than I had been running at home. Unfortunately there were a lot of other runners in my age division that were faster than me (as I said, this is the fastest race in St. Louis) so I finished in 14th out of 117 (still - not too shabby). Dad put his stuff in, and although there was a mistake (someone his age had gotten wrong - maybe I put it in wrong when I singed us up). Luckily Go! is amazing and quickly changed it in the system...which made dad place 3rd in his age group!  That meant he gets an apple pie for placing...yum!  What an awesome additional present for father's day haha.
Overall - it was a fun race, as always, and I was proud of my time anyway!

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 #runningwithoutlimits

Saturday, May 13, 2017

42nd Annual Wahiawa Pineapple Run

May 13th, 2017
Corey and I were lucky enough to take an amazing vacation to Hawaii this May to visit one of his friends who is currently stationed near Honolulu, Hawaii. When I heard we were going to Hawaii I knew I had to look for a race there...when else would I have the chance to run in Hawaii?  I found a race that was only about 15 minutes from where we were staying that was a 10k one weekend early in we planned our trip kind of around being able to run that race! 
I convinced Corey to do it with me, and we told his friend we were staying with.  He wasn't going to run eventually, but a few days before he said he would since a bunch of other soldiers in his company were also running! I was excited we would be running this, it was a 10k...and we get some awesome swag...everyone receives a shirt, a medal and a fresh pineapple at the end!  I took a look at the results from previous years and saw it would be tough to place. A lot of people run this and the course has quite a few hills, additionally we would be a little jet lagged, and haven't been training in that kind of heat...lastly, my diet was drastically different here, so I know that can play a small part in running and endurance.
Our friend picked up the packets before we arrived, so the morning of we got up and headed out to the start.  We had to drive part of the course to get there and we went down a big hill (I was instantly pretty excited), but then a huge hill came after!  It was between 3 and 4 miles, so that was going to be tough being right in the middle of the race. I'm glad I knew about it though so I could try and pace myself knowing it was coming.
The start of the race was on a narrow street, and clearly people didn't care about having strollers and walkers near the back of the pack!  The first mile or so was all weaving in and out of people and strollers, wore me out pretty early. I did catch up to Corey and was feeling good, so I passed him. Finally around mile 2 I had some room to run.  I paced myself around 8:30 min miles to start because of the hill...well if you have read about my raced you know that I mean to pace, but never I was running a little too fast, but made myself slow down. 
When I got to the big downhill I knew what was coming and steadied myself to get up...I almost made it, but had to walk the top part unfortunately (so did a lot of other people it seemed).  I had a hard time recovering after that since it was all flat and no downhills, but I continued along, having to stop and walk for 30 seconds or so every once in was getting hot and I wasn't used to it.  Luckily they had water stations almost every mile, so that helped. When we made a turn onto the main road where the school was I knew I was close so I sped up a bit and of course sprinted across the finish line and despite all the set backs I finished in around 55 min (and ahead of Corey). By chip time was actually 57ish, but my watch said 55, we also found out that the course was actually 6.5 miles...the company they used to place the cones, put some out at a wrong place so we ran a little bit extra. Overall, I was still pleased at my time!
The course was fine..ran through a town, on some outer roads, through fields and finished back at the school we began at. I was also amazed at all the stroller runners...I had misjudged them!  Many ran right past me, with speed and not hurting at all, I was very impressed!  I found out after that a lot of them were military spouses, and they had a group that would meet and they were trained! 
It was definitely an experience, and I'm so glad we got to run. Definitely a check off the bucket list, and the list of states to run in :)

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Back to Back Weekend Race 2 - City to City Relay

May 7th, 2017
As I mentioned in the previous post, my dad and I ran the City to City 2 years ago and were so excited they decided to bring it back!  A different running group took over and that's how they were able to do it.  The City to City is a 9.2 mile race/relay.  You can run it as a single person, 2 man team or a 3 man team.  My dad and I have always run it as a 2 man team - he runs the first leg (3 miles) which has quite a few big hills, and I run the second 2 legs (6.2 miles). It's a nice course full of hills and mostly on roadways (meaning little shade), but the end is on a concrete man made trail that runs by a river and next to a forest. 

The race starts in Jackson at the health club, and starts up the hill to main street (ugh), so I always dread that for my dad because I hate hills, but he is a trooper and loves it.  It was a bit chilly that morning but the sun was out and we knew it would heat up - meaning it was a great morning for a run. Mom was our driver and her and I watched dad take off at the start, and we headed out to the exchange point.

At the exchange we met up with a friend of ours (Kelly) who was also running the second leg for his team and he kept poking fun at me that I would beat him.  We saw dad coming down the hill and I took off before Kelly did.  I paced myself with a group of people (I was about 30-45 seconds behind them but kept my distance running about 7:45-8:00 min miles). I knew that I had 6 miles to run so I slowed down a bit and was passed by Kelly at mile 2, but he was almost done, while I had more to go.  I was feeling alright (hating the few big hills I had though and still feeling that groin pull) when I passed the exchange.  I saw my parents up ahead before I turned into the neighborhood and it was just what I needed to keep me up. I was getting tired and was ready to be done and walk, but I couldn't let my dad down. 

In the neighborhood we go onto the trail, so I knew I was getting close to the end and was catching up to a guy, and knew I could beat him. Slowly, but surely I passed him, and I saw my next target - a lady I had been running near the whole race and really wanted to pass.  When I saw the finish line I sped up a bit and thought I could get her, but of course she sped up too.  I passed one more woman at before the finish line and ended with 8:15 min miles.  

 I was hurting, but proud of finishing strong. They had the times from 2 years ago with them and we were about 30 seconds slower than before, (which could have been both of our faults). We still did awesome, and won our division, which isn't hard since they add ages together to make the brackets...

I hope they keep this race, it's always fun and a challenging course.

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Back to Back Weekend Race 1 - Filter's Fund 5k

May 6th, 2017

2 years ago my dad and I ran a race called the City to City which was a 9.2 mile relay from Jackson, MO to Cape Girardeau, MO. We had so much fun...but I'll get to that in my next post. Anyway, they decided to bring it back this year, and it happened to fall the day after another 5k that we have been doing - The Filter's Fund 5k. 

Major Garrett Knowlan's call sign was Filter. He lost his life in a water survival training accident on 10/11/2012. Garrett was 32 years old. He left a loving family and many friends behind that day. He was a strong Christian who loved the Lord. He showed Jesus's love toward others and helped others while he was here. We plan to carry on that legacy by helping those in need, in Garrett's name. We will all be together again, 'in a minute'. Every year his family raises money to go to a great cause by hosting a 5k (either virtually or in person) in Jackson, MO on a course he used to run for soccer practice. 

Previously my dad and I ran this virtually but this year we were lucky enough to be there! It started at 9 (which was nice) so we weren't in a rush to get up, and the weather was beautiful and the sun was out at that point. So many families showed up it was amazing to see the support for the family, and get a chance to meet the family - especially with my guy being in the military. 

Knowing we had a much longer race the next morning my dad and I decided to try and take it easy but you know us...we get that adrenaline and just can't.  We started off towards the park in a downhill pretty fast, running 7:30/7:45 min miles. I told him we had to slow down since we had a race on Sunday as well. We did (slightly). At the turnaround we were feeling good and still running together. On our way back out of the park there were a few hills, one of which was a long sweeping uphill towards the finish. I had a previous groin pull and it started to bother me and I lost my breath a bit going up the hill and had to stop for a second to walk and told my dad to go ahead. I kept him in my sight and finished about 15 seconds behind him, and to my surprise first in my division! I graciously accepted a Panera gift card and watched more racers finish. We said our goodbyes to the family and headed back home to get ready for the rest of the day.

I was talking to one of the family members and they know it's a hard end to the course, but can't bring themselves to change it since it was what Garrett ran in school, and I love that, it's just another nod to him. This year 320 participated all over the world (including many of Garrett's fellow servicemen and their families). I was happy to be able to share this one in person this year, and will definitely continue to do so.  

Not to mention, we do get a shirt every year, and they have a great logo, and always comfy shirts.

Again, I am proud to say I was a part of this, the family and friends are doing the most amazing things.

Peace, Love and Running 🏃
#seejessrun #runtheyear2017 